Like-New Performance, Exceptional Value

Agilent Certified Pre-Owned Instruments

Technician working on Agilent certified pre-owned instrument

With Agilent Certified Pre-Owned Instruments, you never have to settle

Do you think you have to sacrifice quality and performance when buying a used instrument? Think again. Agilent Certified Pre-Owned Instruments provide you with unmatched quality at a price you can afford. Every instrument is refurbished at an Agilent factory by Agilent engineers. What’s more, they are certified to the same original specifications—and must pass the same final quality tests—as a new instrument.

To see which refurbished instruments are available, use these links:

We have your back, every step of the way

Get expert installation

Agilent instruments in a lab

All Agilent Certified Pre-Owned Instruments include professional installation and training by Agilent-certified service experts, and is backed by a 12-month manufacturer’s warranty. You’ll also receive same-as-new start-up consumables, manuals, software, and accessories.

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Eliminate uncertainty


From professional installation to guaranteed performance, Agilent Certified Pre-Owned Instruments deliver reliability, sustainability, and peace of mind. Take a look at our infographic and discover seven ways that we stand behind every refurbished instrument.

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We’re ready to help

Customer service expert

If you would like to request a quote, or if you have any questions, an Agilent representative is standing by.

The quality is in the details

What’s the secret behind the exceptional performance of Agilent Certified Pre-Owned Instruments? It’s the meticulous attention that each instrument receives during our specialized refurbishment process.

  • Systems are disassembled, and every part is thoroughly cleaned, sonicated, or replaced with a new Agilent CrossLab part.
  • Hardware and firmware are updated as required to work with the latest software.
  • All instruments are upgraded to meet current performance standards specified by Agilent service notes.

Agilent refurbishment engineers are proud of the specialized work they do

“It’s part of our Agilent values to have that teamwork and respect for each other and respect for our communities. To have integrity in our instrumentation to our customers all over the world.”

“There’s a battery of tests that we go through to check the performance of the instrument.

We don’t just meet the performance criteria, we exceed the performance criteria. At spec or above spec for the instrument as it was new.”

“Success for me is putting out a quality product. It brings me lots of satisfaction that I’m sending out an instrument to a lab or school that will fit into their budget and function at a high performance level.”

“If I don’t like the look of something on an instrument, I will change it out. I do take a lot of pride in it. Quality has to be number one. I’m building the instrument as though I’m buying it for myself.”

We’re ready to help

Customer service expert

If you would like to request a quote, or if you have any questions, an Agilent representative is standing by.

Partner with Agilent for sustainability and business success

Working toward sustainability is an integral part of how Agilent conducts business and addresses our customers’ challenges. We can help your lab achieve its sustainability goals, too.

Agilent Certified Pre-Owned Instruments are one of the many ways that Agilent provides sustainability and recycling options to customers with green initiatives.

Another sustainable way to acquire the latest technologies

The Agilent Trade-In and Buyback Program gives you cash or credit for your older instruments, so you can obtain the technologies you need for success. This program kept more than 800 systems out of landfills in 2021 alone.

The circular economy: Giving analytical instruments a second life

To learn more about the extended life cycle of Agilent Certified Pre-Owned Instruments, click the icons on the circle.

Eco-conscious manufacturing

Agilent instruments are manufactured using processes that minimize negative environmental impacts while conserving energy and natural resources.

Environmetal innovations

Innovations like enhanced maintenance feedback and HydroInert source help labs reduce their environmental impact.


Receive cash or credit that can be used to obtain instruments and software needed for long-term business success.


Instrument refurbishment, performed by Agilent engineers, allows us to re-use precious finite resources.

Pre-owned instrument

Choosing an Agilent Certified Pre-Owned Instrument helps keep thousands of instruments out of landfills each year.

Green recycling

The Agilent Green Recycling Program* disposes of older instruments and instrument packaging in an Earth-friendly way.

*Where available

Sustainability and affordability with no compromises

Acquire the latest technologies, sustainably


85% of labs have sustainability goals in place, according to a survey of lab managers worldwide. Learn valuable tips for keeping useful equipment out of landfills, while maximizing productivity.

Download infographic

The trusted, sustainable choice for your lab

The Trusted, Sustainable Alternative For Your Lab

Global trends show that sustainable purchases are on the rise, and failing to act now could harm your business down the road. Watch how selecting the right instrument can make all the difference for your lab and our planet.

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Agilent green initiatives are getting noticed

The Agilent Certified Pre-Owned Instruments program was named Environment+Energy Leader’s Top Project of the Year. It was recognized for keeping scientific instruments out of landfills—extending their useful life by tapping into possibilities for repair, refurbishment, and re-use.

Forest stream

Agilent has been ranked as one of the top 20 most sustainable companies for the fifth straight year by Barron’s. Rankings are based on factors such as water use, waste generation, and greenhouse gas emissions.

Wind farm

Key instruments in our Smart GC portfolio have achieved excellent ACT label scores. Agilent is also proud to be the first institution to partner with My Green Lab at the ‘Angel’ level—the highest level of sponsorship.

My Green Lab

Business Intelligence Group honored Agilent with an award for leadership in advancing environmental sustainability. Business Intelligence Group honored Agilent with an award for leadership in advancing environmental sustainability. Agilent environmental initiatives are closely linked to our mission of improving the quality of life worldwide.

Child with plant in fresh soil

We’re ready to help

Customer service expert

If you would like to request a quote, or if you have any questions, an Agilent representative is standing by.

Contact us to learn more or request a quote

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