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Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry (ICP-MS)


安捷伦电感耦合等离子体质谱 (ICP-MS) 具有单四极杆和串联四极杆配置。我们的单四极杆 ICP-MS 可应对各种典型的 ICP-MS(从常规、受监管分析到高级研究和要求严苛的应用)。我们的串联四极杆 ICP-MS 将为您提供控制棘手的干扰问题所需的可靠性,即使在非常难以分析的样品中也是如此,能够为您提供可靠的结果。

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Featured Literature

Agilent ICP-MS Journal, issue 91

Highlighting the use of ICP-MS with helium mode for multielement screening. Applications include quality control in battery manufacturing, identifying unexpected contaminants in novel foods, and expanding the number of analytes available for elemental fingerprinting.

Agilent ICP-MS Journal, issue 90

Overview of the latest revision of ICP-MS MassHunter software, version 5.2, and applications enabled by new features. Plus, news on ICP-MS methods to support the analytical requirements of the alternative protein industry.

Agilent ICP-MS Journal, Issue 89

Novel geochronology and life science research applications by ICP-MS/MS. Plus information on regulatory guidelines and standard methods for elemental impurity analysis.

Agilent ICP-MS Journal, issue 88

Reflecting on 10 years of triple quadrupole ICP-MS, tuning tips for laser ablation ICP-MS, recommended ICP-MS coolant, and learning resources to deepen your ICP-MS knowledge and improve your lab’s productivity.

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ICP-MS MassHunter 5.2 软件现已推出!

ICP-MS MassHunter 5.2 更加简便易用,同时保持了您对高级应用所期望的灵活性。立即探索新功能并升级您的软件!

新应用简报:使用 UHMI 和 7850 ICP-MS 显著提高海水分析的性能。

新应用简报介绍了安捷伦 ICP-MS 系统如何使用 UHMI 气溶胶稀释技术来简化高基质样品的分析。这种组合可实现更快、更简单、更经济的方法开发,并且与传统稀释相比污染风险更低。

基础导论 — 安捷伦锂离子电池行业解决方案

不清楚从哪里开始着手进行锂离子电池测试?想要明确了解如何应对多种测试需求? 阅读安捷伦关于矿物、加工、电池组件和检漏解决方案的入门指南,助力您的实验室取得成功。

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